• LocationMerthyr, Wales, Court Street, CF47 8DU**
  • Our Working HoursOpening times: 24 hours a day*
  • Phone Us!Call Now: 0344 947 0952

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Merthyr Pest Control Testimonials

Customer Name: Mrs D Hardcastle
Dear Sirs, I wish to let you know how very pleased I have been with the service I received from your company two weeks ago. Not only did you respond very promptly to my telephone call, but the engineer who called did an excellent job. Thank you very much for your help.

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Call: 0344 947 0952

Example Of Our Pest Services

Cockroaches come in two varieties; German & Oriental. The most commonly encountered are the German cockroach, which are typically around 12mm long and yellowish brown. The Oriental cockroach is around 20-24mm long, and these are either dark brown or mostly black. Oriental cockroaches are commonly found in terraced houses, living and travelling between them using the foundations and house structure as their habitats.

They usually live for a year, and they feed on leftover food, although they can live for up to 3 months without food or water.

Cockroaches are gregarious and nocturnal, spending the day hiding in cracks and crevices around such areas as sinks, drains, cookers and the backs of cupboards, and in refrigeration units. Infestations may be introduced as egg cases or adults in crates or packaging, furniture, laundry or raw materials. They may possibly enter through drains or refuse chutes.

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